Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pay Attention and Keep Score

Many of us have heard the statement


Here at 7Q we are encouraging individuals to start paying attention to their personal CASH FLOWS

The choices we make daily with how we create and spend our money and the related energy behind each transaction impacts our lifestyle significantly whether we acknowledge this to be so or not.

Its time, we believe, for each of us to Pay Attention and Keep Score in this area of CASH FLOW and start a process of reclaiming our power of choice as we evolve to appreciate

  1. how our money comes and goes
  2. how these choices "feed us or eats us" financially
  3. personal energy leakages
  4. inter-relationships between our financial energy and the 6 other quotients that form part of the 7 Quotients we at 7Q encourage individuals to manage 
  5. the power of having a system (like Quick Books) to help us Pay Attention and Keep Score in this area of CASH FLOW
  6. being motivated and encouraged by a 7Q-personal lifestyle coach/mentor
Do make contact with us for more details as we each continue to evolve along our journey of life and move closer to experiencing, expressing and attracting OVERFLOW in all areas of life; more than enough to care and share with loving ease.

email :-

Saturday, February 5, 2011

More than a Pot of Gold

There is more that a "pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow along this our journey of life depending on the choices we make.

With 7Q mentoring and coaching plus optimal consistent inspired personal actions, our journey itself will be filled with OVERFLOWING love, joy, peace and harmony.

We will come to appreciate that gold is a commodity with shifting value based on the economic rules of supply and demand.

OVERFLOW, on the other hand, as a principle for financial and holistic freedom is a system of beliefs, thoughts and actions which when applied consistently assures that there is always MORE than enough to take care of all our lifestyle expenses with loving ease.
Yes effort is required ..... to experience this type of OVERFLOW both along the journey and at the destination.

Come walk with us on this rainbow journey as we each create the reality for ourselves and our family to experience much more than the "Pot of Gold" prize.  Come experience OVERFLOW!

Friday, December 24, 2010


Here at 7Q we believe that just enough is never good enough.

Our Mantra


We have created this educational club/institute and made it available to all those who desire an ongoing experience of OVERFLOW in daily life. Overflow in the 7Q's

We desire that each 7Q member experiences .....
     More than just enough ...
                    Much more...
                            Overflowing into...


More that enough such that you can CARE & 


7Q is short for 7 Quotients.

The seed idea is one of expansion beyond the TRADITIONAL concept of personally focusing on IQ (intelligence quotient) for success and growing into living out of an intimate self awareness of SEVEN QUOTIENTS

Through various techniques and practices, each individual will evolve into a Lifestyle Coach with real ever-lasting and duplicatable results for real people starting with their most important client first ....... themselves!!!

7Q is available only to persons ready to commit as members and follow through with supporting action evidenced (as a start) with a Members Seed-Gift. This language is used to foster the concept of the following process "plant seed .... nurture it to maturity .... reap harvest";  while moving away from the idea of membership dues. All clubs need to to be financially self sufficient; we are choosing this approach plus offering various lifestyle workshops.

Each person has the freedom to choose the Members Seed-Gift that matches the commitment period they are ready to undertake with 7Q:-

  • Quarterly Seed of - USD15 (or Ja$ equivalent)
  • Half Yearly Seed of - USD24 (or Ja$ equivalent)
  • Annual Seed of - USD40 (or Ja$ equivalent)
  • Each "new" seed is targeted to be nurtured to produce a first harvest of 3fold (8 times what you started with) and thereby have more that enough to plant new seed at the next cycle. "Mature" seeds are targeted to move up the harvest yield rate - 6fold (64 times) 10fold (1,024 times) etc.
    • There is no "magic" pill for this harvest; each member will be exposed to tools, techniques and opportunities through various speakers, media, and "vehicles" ; 7Q will additional offer inspirational and motivational support; each member will however need to make the CHOICE to TAKE ACTION CONSISTENTLY.
    • Prayer and meditation will be encouraged as one of many self development practices; 
    • A 70:30 principle leading to the 30% allocation from your personal income for Saving:Investment:Tithing is another principle that will be encouraged
    • "seeding" for 7Q is used to link to a process demonstrated in nature every day; 
      • if you desire an outcome (eg an Harvest of pumpkins) select the best seed (pumpkin) then plant it in the best prepared soil, nurture it to maturity, reap the harvest
      • similarly for any "lifestyle harvest in any of the 7Q's ..... select the best seed (thoughts) .... plant the seed in the fertile soil of the mind ..... nurture it with supportive thoughts and actions enhanced with a selected core team .... then reap the harvest in the fullness of time
    •  7Q will encourage members to mentor others in this process Select Seed ... Plant ... Nurture ... Reap Harvest

 Each 7Q seeding-member is part of a team and is encouraged to develop a personal DREAM TEAM (core persons whom are similarly working on realising their dreams and supporting you on your journey)

Thereafter the fun and real action begins .... as persons 

DREAM ...... BELIEVE ....... EXPECT ....... 
ACT ........ ACHIEVE !!!