Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pay Attention and Keep Score

Many of us have heard the statement


Here at 7Q we are encouraging individuals to start paying attention to their personal CASH FLOWS

The choices we make daily with how we create and spend our money and the related energy behind each transaction impacts our lifestyle significantly whether we acknowledge this to be so or not.

Its time, we believe, for each of us to Pay Attention and Keep Score in this area of CASH FLOW and start a process of reclaiming our power of choice as we evolve to appreciate

  1. how our money comes and goes
  2. how these choices "feed us or eats us" financially
  3. personal energy leakages
  4. inter-relationships between our financial energy and the 6 other quotients that form part of the 7 Quotients we at 7Q encourage individuals to manage 
  5. the power of having a system (like Quick Books) to help us Pay Attention and Keep Score in this area of CASH FLOW
  6. being motivated and encouraged by a 7Q-personal lifestyle coach/mentor
Do make contact with us for more details as we each continue to evolve along our journey of life and move closer to experiencing, expressing and attracting OVERFLOW in all areas of life; more than enough to care and share with loving ease.

email :-

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